Bali Charm
I really struggled to write this blog post. I just can’t express anything meaningful. I feel tired and lazy. I think that’s a good thing actually. I’ve been writing my little heart out lately.
Maybe a break from being me? That sounds nice, how do you turn off you though? Challenging. Habits form a cycle and then you just start. Oops, I did it again. Refresh button. Stop, you know what stop means right? Arrête? Okay okay, I’ve got it. Lots of life is just learning to be in the moment. Time to even out.
The next step is a doozy.
The most charming thing I’ve come across so far here is how perfect the alleyways are. They’re the thing I’ve been most addicted to travel-wise for a long time. There’s some fantasy-mystery-unknown-investigator-gene i posess that makes me curious. I always imagine, what’s down there? I just wanna peek.
Are there secret gardens? Or hidden hideouts? Maybe a locals-only restaurant? (Wow, so many dashes in my texts 😅). I even over-fantasize and think there’s some hidden-treasure adventure if I just walk down one more.
And Bali is filled with them. The place is kinda growing on me. It’s got beauty tucked away, I just need to search a little. Maybe walk down one of those alleys.
My next adventure could be down there, who knows? 😴
This is my alley from my hostel. It looks different everyday.
I’ll say this, I’m not sure if this is built for tourism or Bali was doing this before they arrived, but it is pretty.
Ohhhh, another one 😍
Waves today looked good!
Literally, until I actually paddled out 🥲😆😆
Then rain, storm, darkness, and minimal waves. Sometimes you win, other times you just spend a lot of time wondering what you’re doing in life. I did catch one really nice one to leave though 🤓
New day, new fit. Felt the green board was suiting 💚
And another one.
I’ll eat here everyday if I must. Don’t you threaten me with a good time.
I want to know, what is Doraemon?!?
Sounds like Pokémon so must be cool.
This might explain Canggu, or lots of Bali, but on this side you have this..
And the other, a wonderful and beautiful looking restaurant. Lots of Asia had this kind of trash problem though. Kinda sad.
Also love.
More explaination of Canggu.
Ive heard of mushrooms growing overnight but damn! That thing’s huge!