Nicaragua, Won’t You Be My Valentine?

Being in a foreign country traveling on a bus for 11 hours had me thinking of what Valentines things I could come up with. Seeing this photo of me in Nicaragua gave me all the right ideas.

I got to Nicaragua in San Juan Del Sur just as dinner was getting ready. I was the first to sit down. Soon I was surrounded by the other guests, and to my surprise, most of them women. I thought, “this was the best idea ever.”

What’s funny is I thought, “being a surf camp, it would be mostly guys right?”

Wrong, but not mad about it.

Pop ups or cutbacks, everyone’s surfing.

I’ll have whatever their having.

Okay, there were some guys, but they mostly worked there. They were awesome and hilarious.

Beach party was lit.

The boys.

Such an epic hangout presurf, post surf, no surf. Glad to be here.

I’ll be right here.

Or here.

Beach dayssss

Definitely here

The sunsets were just…

One of my favs

Who wants to be my valentine?

Until next time Nica. Don’t go a changing.


Bangkok Delirium


Chiang Mai, a love story