The Last Time: Friends in Asia

The Last Time: (final)

The last time I wrote about this, I was sure it would it was the last time.

And yet, here I am, again.

I was lost, the kind of lost that made me feel I was drinking again, but I haven’t had a drop in five years.

I knew I was the same, but everything felt different. I had changed, I had learned and grown, but somehow I found myself right back to where I started. Everything hurt, my body felt worn. My mind and spirit felt exhausted and negative. I was out of gas, I was losing my essence.

That was 9 months ago.

Since then I’ve been traveling across the ocean blue looking for what I lost. A reminder, I needed a little reminder to feel a spark. Just a small drop of water could breathe life into me again.

It took a while. I was damaged. I had to turn everything off, reset. I had to let go. I had to remember to forget.

What truly changed me was meeting the world once again. I met people from across the planet. New and old friends comforted me. They aided my recovery in ways they might never know. They reminded me the world can be great because great people make it so. They made me believe again. They were the water I so desperately needed.

And over these last couple of months,


There is pep in my step, I’m taller, stronger, faster. i feel beautiful in my body and mind. I believe I can achieve and overcome. I can do whatever I want in this world.

Asia changed me. My experiences, the people, the places, they all touched my core. I expect them to shape me for the rest of my life. I went in expecting nothing, and yet, hoping for everythin. What I found though was more than I could have dreamed.

I found me, but I also found all of you, and that will be a gift I’ll never be able to repay.

Thank you Asia for returning to me more than I ever lost.

Thank you world. Thank you everyone.

What’s next Asia?!?

**Many more are not pictured because I didn’t have photos! But you all are equally as important 😘

Thakhek looping. What a blast. So happy. I didn’t know most the crew before this photo. Now, I feel I know them all so well.

Nong Khiaw with a fun little group.

Slow boating.

The bois on top of the world.

We also slept in a tent that night.

Random Japanese moment. One minute I was an outsider, a few hours later I felt a part of the group. One of my favorite moments the whole trip.

❤️ skateboarding.

First caddy experience. She’s only been caddying for a few months but we managed 3 birdies on the back. Should have trusted her more.

Free haircut experience in Bangkok.

Japanese couple I met in Chiang Mai. Quite lovely.

Leonie 😘

Nobu and Shane.

Known these guys for 20 years?

One of the best days.


Not spicy, not fun.

Another free cut! Bove special!

All the flare. Matthieu.

Sons of Anarchy.

Baikal. We had many deep discussions.

Dick, the dutchie.

Before I had really even met Leonie, I saw her sitting there and shot this still.

Leo and Elise while the others waited.

Homestay food.

Another awesome dutchie! Sybren!

John, one of my favorites. Left right when things were getting good.

Laos was a ride. Thanks everyone for everything. 💙💙💙💙


Finding Sanity: Koh Samui


Sweat Olympics: Getting High in Krabi, Thailand