The Day the Music Died: Kaohsiung, Taiwan

You know, I’ve been struggling for a while now. I’ve felt all kinds of feelings. I’ve been lonely, I’ve been depressed, I’ve been intensely happy, I’ve been strangely calm, I’ve experienced waves of both or all in the same day. One day might be amazing and the next total shit. As the road goes.

Today though, something changed. I was walking in a beautiful park surrounded by locals and tourists and cool temples and whatever else when I was struck completely by a realization.

I’m done.

It doesn’t matter what kind of temple, mountain, artwork, culture sight, monument, building, cafe, market or anything honestly, you put in front of me, I won’t care.

It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just I’m filled up. My passion bucket is completely full. I cannot really fit anything else in there. I’ve seen all I can appreciate in one trip. There’s nothing more to discover except for life itself; normal life.

There’s no more enthusiasm to chase adventure. I’m ready for rest, for some kind of routine. I want to find some things in a place to like, maybe love and enjoy them over and over in different ways rather than find new and exciting constantly. I want time to enjoy what I’ve done, not water it down.

So, I’ve got a few things left, and I’m out. I’m off to a beach to catch waves and get tan while I figure out what’s next. I hope you all enjoy following along.

The feeling of being done feels really really good 😮‍💨

Hey, it me.

Moments later I took my first wrong train of the day.

The heavenly smell of garlic bread lured me in as if I have never seen or smelt it before!

There’s an anime convention today!

When I drove, I couldn’t understand what these boxes were for. But I figured it out. Instead of having left turns at lights for bikes, they let them cross the intersection on the right side and line up in front of the crossing lane. Interesting!

After I took my second wrong train I’d the day, I realized my shirt was inside out. Now it all makes sense!


Any chance some of you are named Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo or Raphael?

And there’s a wakeboard park here too. Asia is hilarious.

What is going on in here?!

Catch a tiger by its tail..

The moment I decided it was over.

I was looking out over this beautiful scene of these guys fishing while the sunlight was fading. I felt so tired. I was really enjoying the views though. I thought, there’s no where else to go. This is just as beautiful as anything I could find in the world right now.

From now on, do anything you like, even if it’s nothing. It felt so relieving.

There’s some fascination with mushrooms in parks 🧐

Brilliantly cute.

Little detail, this is what the “Dome of Light” looks like NORMALLY.

And this is the “Light show” lolololol

Beam me up Scotty!

…I love cats..😉

This looks cooler than the light show 🤣

Someone’s gotta do it!

It’s been a helluva ride.


Breathe: Kaohsiung, Taiwan


Pretty in Pink: Alishan, Taiwan