Serenity For What I Cannot Change
Maybe I’ve said I’m different so many times that I believe it when maybe I’m not? I go back and forth all day thinking if I’m totally normal blowing things out of proportion or that I am truly set apart from everyone else leading to a host of different feelings. Either way, I find myself constantly engaged in finding that I just don’t know where to fit in anymore. Although, I feel like I can fit it anywhere.
The most important thing I’ve learned in these past few months of being sick is there are things I cannot change. I’ve actually been quite good at this most these past few years, but I struggled coming back and feeling the weight of normal life. So many things have gone wrong here, but the only thing I can do is keep trying to right the ship and believe what has found me is just another path to walk. Acceptance is the first step towards learning. It’s the only way you will ever move forward.
And forward, we must go.
Today will always be the best day ever. It is a mantra to live life for today, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but to find some way to make the present better than it ever was. It’s a testimony to self to take chances to live. I wish to return to that. I might have forgotten the way.
It’s been 7 years, maybe more, since I was caught in some fresh snow. Magical.
I still love you.
Found a holy grail in thrift world!
My friends friend is a chef and I will not complain.
Can’t help but search for skate spots subconsciously.
Not quite a surfboard, but I was going fast!
Funny that I was thinking it strange a cat just stares out the window all the time, like he could go out there. Then, I found myself staring out at nothing eating my breakfast and thought, ”and here I was judging the cat.”