Once Upon a Time in Nashville…
Moving back to Nashville is bittersweet. It means the official end of my adventure. It’s a reality check of who I am and who I’ve been over the last 6 years of my life. I left in the first week of 2019. Before I left, I knew something was gonna be different. I knew something was gonna happen. I didn’t know the difference and the happening would be spread across years. I thought I would know some great shift had begun. Life is a steady trickle though, not a great flood. When it floods, that’s when you get the hell out of the way. The trickle though, that’s where life is really lived.
It’s all about the Little things.
Coming home has been big and small though. It feels so nice to be around people who already get me, who know me, who care for me. I’ve been around the world now, and I still just haven’t met people like the ones back here. I’ll say it, “I’m glad to be here and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
Well, maybe a couple places I could think of :)
Here’s a glimpse of my return home and what I’ve found here. Jumping straight to highlights. Its already been a month!
It’s official when you buy a car! Never had a Subaru but only hear about longevity! Im a value guy, but damn this one looks good too!
Miss all this. They say Maui has sunsets, these are pretty good too
Happy happy—be happy
This is where I grew up. It was the only store near my house. They had homemade breakfast chicken biscuits that rivaled anywhere on the planet. It almost doesn’t feel real that this is the same place.
And this was my home for 16 years. I lived in the far left. One day I had no idea I existed, and then the next I was in there wandering through life. So strange it was the same person typing these words.
Not bad
Accidents—-and my friend has a child who can ask me questions. We played together at his age. How crazy
She asked, “did someone lose their heart,”?
Greasiest burger I know.
FAMILIA! I’ve known some of these dudes for 20 years!
I missed this
Here’s where the new story begins…