Duck Dynasty

Yesterday was so epic. All the conditions and atmosphere made for a little anxiety, but the results were so special. I even knew it in the moment that I was gonna remember some of those turns forever.

Today, I started with that unknown feeling. Show up to a town everyone goes and see what to discover. It’s like taking yourself on a date.

Apparently there’s caves, but caves and temples are growing tiresome, what else can you offer?

But I did hear a rumor about ducks? Ducks you say? Why would that be so fun and different?

There’s caves, but why doesn’t anyone mention the rice fields and the mountains? They look perfect if a little sunshine came out. Wait? There’s sunshine today? But yesterday I drove in the rain?!

Oh Vietnam, you’re a doosie.

Get ready for a barrage of insanely beautiful Vietnamese landscaper photos. Hope you enjoy.

First turn off the main road and..😍😍


Different type of green 🌴

Vined trees make my heart melt.

I don’t know what these ants were doing, but they were kind of just feeling each other with their antennas and it looked so wholesome. I felt it.

Okay, I went to a cave.

Impressive, but I still yawned 10 minutes in. When did this happen?!

I found that caves like this are like art. You’ve gotta find individual pieces you admire and why. Like this one looks like a soot spirit from Spirited Away, or maybe Tangela from Pokémon?

And this looks like Mayor of Halloween Town from “Night Before Christmas”!

Also spooky. ✋🏼

Vietnamese coffee: sweet, syrupy, and if you don’t put milk in, it’s like oil. Always cold. So hard to understand, but gets you to the moon.


$0.40 deliciousness.

They keep telling me I look Vietnamese, what do you think? Also, so tired today 😴

The most feminine I’ve ever felt.

Oddly cute and entertaining. So many actual giggles.

10/10 would recommend

Had so much fun with kids today!

I went to shoot photos in this pasture and these little girls kept running up to me whispering, laughing and smiling. Then they would run away.

One time they said hello. They spoke some English and asked my name. Theirs were Hao and Ling(?). Ling kept pushing Hao to come talk to me, all the while their mouths were crazy colors from eating suckers.

Everything was adorable. I couldn’t stop smiling.

Honestly, they kinda made my day.

Those photos I came to shoot.

Wow, this place just keeps getting better.


This is what I came for. This is the Vietnam I wanted to see.

I watched until there was nothing left. I kept looking back up and saying out loud, “what the fuck!”

And then I kicked my helmet down this hill. Time to saddle up for tomorrow. The road continues 🛣️


Green is the New Black: HCM Road, Vietnam


A Date with Destiny: HCM Rd, Vietnam