Broken Record

Maybe after being on the road for so long, I can only talk about the same things. The same feelings, the same thoughts keep happening to me. As a writer, I keep trying to make things fresh, but I see that much of them revolve in the same circles. Is that entertainment? I know it’s normal life. TV and YouTube make us think everything and every moment of everyday has to be exciting and new, but reality is well, much more boring and repetitive. That doesn’t make it not as good, I might add. It’s just not as juicy and addicting. I don’t even want all that. I just want you to have a couple quick smiles in your day about someone you may know with a real opinion and thought about the world around us.

Okay, this guy is named Gajah Mina which is a combination (meaning) of land and sea meeting. Good luck of course. The beast he is riding half-fish half-elephant is vahana of Lord Varuna. It sits right at the end of my surf spot. I didn’t actually visit for a long time so I just kept wondering what I was squinting at. Very interesting/cool.

I eat here twice a day for under $5, usually $3.

Bechamale toasty with egg and ham. Two diary’s and a nice latte. Cafe life is life.

Hello gorgeous, mon lapin 🐇


Wouldn’t swim in that river, and yet, I do.

44 years ago!

Best shave I’ve had in weeks!

I’ve been trying to find a photo that explains what’s going on or how it feels in Bali. This whole place was rice fields and nothing 30 years ago. Now there are modern houses and coffee shops plotted on every corner. New trees aren’t shooting up, but a plethora of the modern world smooshing out the old. It’s still beautiful. It’s not all bad. It makes for some beautiful contrast. I’m not sure there’s anything to do about it. Maybe we shouldn’t. It is just interesting to watch. Who knows in 30 more years.


The smell of this film machine reminded me of my old science lab back in college. I didnt live in the 80s, but this smell put me in a trance as if I did.

The google maps roads can be quite the adventure. Be sure if your driving skills. Much harder with a surfboard and backpack 🎒🏄‍♂️

Also, this is the most dangerous and crazy place I’ve driven this whole trip. Glad I’ve been driving for months now because it takes constant vigilance as a driver. 😅😝

Adventure comes in so many different forms 😎


New Dreams: Uluwatu, Bali


Cruise Speed