
By writing this from Thailand means I have already left Laos. I knew my journey was over there, but meeting so many friends and having so many great experiences left a sizable impression on me. Today, I feel quite melancholy.

3 weeks from start to finish and I had friends every step of way.

Even after splitting from my original group, I got to Vientiane and I literally saw Bove walking down the street!

Bois night in the tent was definitely one to remember.

So many faces!

Sons of Anarchy

21 people for 10.5 hours in a van with a chicken on the roof, will never forget that chaos.

You know. I was kinda sad when I started writing this, but now I’m starting to feel better.

This picture of Neeve and Phoebe just made me LOL.

We crushed that pool day.

Man of the people

Never would have guessed I’d meet half of this boat over the course of those three weeks. Both my groups were in this picture unsuspectingly. Little did we know what would evolve from here.

Sak our tour guide was even really cool in Nong Khiaw!

I kind of feel like leaving a country is like breaking up with someone. You had such a great time but you know it’s over. It’s time to move on.

Seriously though, I feel like I keep writing these words but I really appreciate you all for having me along for the ride. It was a beautiful experience and I was just the humble passenger.

I have no clue what the next time will be, but I look forward to the reunion. And to those next friends I meet, I will have faith in you too because a bunch of random strangers became all these beautiful people.

Thank you friends! Thank you Laos!


Bangkok, the untamed jungle


Thakhek Looping: Last Day