Sunday with the Boys:

Since I was a teenager, hanging around the streets of Nashville on a Sunday was a requirement. It was the best day of the week to tackle street missions that are normally a bust or too busy. We pushed up and down that city for 20 years and not much has changed other than the skyline and our knees. The carnage remains, the yearning for landing various tricks, finding laughs, sweating and bleeding; and honestly, doing a bunch of nothing in parking lots with your friends for no other reason than just because. There’s no real good reason for it, no higher-arching goal anymore to be sponsored or make money. We do it now just because it makes us feel alive. Life doesn’t have to be some grand story to make you feel it. Maybe a piece of wood, some dirt and pebbles, a couple of buds, and some willingness to push yourself to try something you are unsure about and the world will find you.

Still a pleasure after all these years.

This became a spot because homies decided we could make things rather than just live with how things are. Now it’s better than many skateparks haha.

Bring the work with you!


I got my truck then sat down and watched them do their thing. Now I need to edit so they don’t get bummed on me sitting on photos.

6 hours hanging with the guys felt like days. I needed that, some normality, some of those old paths to make me feel whole again. Forget about your phone and Instagram and get lost in the world. Don’t check in, be too busy with those around and remember the story. Don’t worry so much about what you need to do, but what is actually happening.


Maui Daze: the return


Another Day, Another Dolla